Sunday, 1 May 2016



Storyboards convey to the cinematographer the shots desired for to tell a story. The story board includes the subject, Shot Types (see previous blog) and Camera movements.

Camera movement arrows clearly indicating how to manipulate camera.

Pan Left/Right

Tilt Up/Down

Dolly Travel In/Out

Dolly Travel Left/Right

Crane Up/Down

Zoom In/Out

Complex camera movements can be shown by a floor plan:

  1. the arrows indicate the direction the camera travels, and where to stop.
  2. the round line indicates the path of the camera (the line can be changed to any desired shape, indicating different camera movements)
  3. the triangle indicates where the camera is shooting
  4. the drawn character indicates where the subject is
  5. there can be other elements of the scene as needed, such as a couch, a tree, a dog, another character etc..
Can be shown under frame if not to complex:

Focus pulls can be conveyed like thiss:


1 comment:

  1. These storyboard symbols are excellent. Can you please cite the source so that I can pass on to others, too?
