Monday 14 March 2016

Interframe and Intra-Frame

Interframe and Intra-Frame 

Intra-Frame - Spacial Compression - .jpeg Image format for each frame minimizing redundancy in each image. Color information reduced in chroma sub-sampling dividing image into 8 pixels called macroblocks and then algorithms within the colors to find redundancy, Each frame is then compressed and the video file size is reduced based on that.

Interframe compression - Temporal compression .MPEG (motion jpeg) video format. Divides frames into macroblocks 8 pixels then each macroblock is given a code to tell the pixels what to do every frame e.g. for a video with a static background the pixels in the macroblocks in the background will stay the same while the macroblocks that will contain color changes or movement will be given instructions what to do. These frames are called P frames and use half as much data as an I frame and double a B frame.

B frames witch are predictions between I and P frames. I frame is the starting frame then the B frames are predictions between the first I frame and the next P frame, The P frame is then used then followed by more B frames predicting based on that P frame and the following I frame... clearly this needs a diagram rather than words to explain. 

This video is a very helpful resource...