Monday, 23 May 2016

Bicycle Thieves

The Bicycle Thief - Ladri di Biciclette directed by Vittorio De Sica

Bicycle Thieves Poster

The Italian Neorealist film Ladri Di Biciclette - The Bicycle Thief directed by Vittorio De Sica, is an emotional film that is displays a relationship between a lower class father and son in post war Rome. the The statement that this film is one of the greatest ever made is justified by the way of realism. the Character arc though out the story of the father who has his bicycle stolen is very realistic brought out by the acting and precise editing techniques. Considering the actors were not professionals they delivered an extremely believable performance. The story leads the viewer to become emotionally involved with the family in the way that it builds up the importance of the bicycle and what it represents.

The use of natural lighting is incredible and shows that films can be made without the use of large lighting sets and extensive equipment. Also filming on location is very effective and makes the viewer feel like they have been to Rome in the 1940's. 

The ending of the film is questionable as every viewer wants the father the get his bike back but i leaves it open and displays the uncertainty that many families in poverty face.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Italian Neorealisim

Italian Neorealisim


Filming on Location:
example Germany Year Zero in bombed out buildings after WWII;

Image result for germany year zero film

Non professional actors:
The Bicycle thief used a Father and Son with no acting experience.
Image result for the bicycle thief

Use of natural lighting:

Image result for italian neorealism natural lighting

Documentary style:

Avoidance of complex postproduction editing: no fast pace editing was used but the use of montage is evident.

Stories focused on lower class of society.

Luchino Visconti

Ossessione - not considered full realist montage.

Roberto Rossellini

War trilogy filmed on location -

    Rome Open City


    GermanyYear zero

Vittorio De Sica

The Bicycle thief.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Design Patent infringement case

Apple Vs Samsung

patent ‘677, a design patent that describes trade dress registration on the front of the iPhone, the jury found the following devices guilty.

For patent ‘087, a design patent that describes trade dress registration of the back of the iPhone, the jury found the following devices guilty:

For patent ‘305, a design patent that describes trade dress registration for the iPhone’s home screen and icons, the jury found the following devices guilty:

For patent ‘381, which describes the bouncy “rubber band” effect that occurs when scrolling on Apple devices, the jury found the following devices were guilty of infringement

For patent ‘163, which describes both double-tap zooming and centering technology on Apple devices, the jury found the follow devices guilty

For patent ‘915, which describes technology for pinch-to-zoom capabilities and one-fingered scrolling on Apple devices, the jury found that the following devices were guilty of patent infringement.

The jury ordered the company to pay Apple nearly $1.05 billion in damages for patent violations. What’s more, the jury found that Samsung willfully infringed upon five of the six patents asserted against it.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Classical Hollywood

Classical Hollywood

Michael Curtiz:

Started his film career in Hungry in 1912 and did other films in Europe in 1920's. Then moved to the US in 1926 to work for Warner Brothers.

Made films in many different genres including:

Action Adventure.
And many more....

Used many different actors across all films.

1920s-1950s classical hollywood or golden age

The big 5



Warner Bros


20th century fox

The little 3



United artists

Studio System

a system that enabled the biggest studios in Hollywood to have total control

Block Booking

a studio would sell a years worth of films to theaters. Banned in 1948

Motion Picture Producers and Distribution Association 

In the late 1920s, while the MPPDA was spreading Hollywood films around the world, the trade body also had a significant problem at home to deal with.

The MPPDA hired Will Hays to put in place a self-regulatory code of practice. The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, known informally as the ‘Hays Code’, established a set of subjects that films simply couldn’t depict, alongside topics that films had to treat with extreme caution.

It remained in place until the late 1960s. The most important taboos were sex and criminal behaviour.
The studios were also infamous for ‘owning’ their stars, a practice known as the star system

Narrative structure

 The narrative is clearly structured with discernible beginning middle and end.

Continuity editing

Editing techniques used to make the edits as invisible as possible to avoid drawing attention to themselves.
Establishing shot WS
Shot / Reverse Shot
180º rule 
30º rule Camera should move at least 30° between shots of the same subject that occur in succession. If not followed, it will create a jump cut that will bring attention to the filming technique rather than the story

Cutting on Action
Eyeline match