Monday, 29 August 2016

Shooting day

Today I will be shooting...

This post is to update my ideas for the project and help me remember everything I will otherwise forget...

Use warm cards... yes I remembered to hire them out! I just need to remember to take a couple of seconds to shoot them on set.

Currently, I am leaning towards doing all the filming in the park and forgetting the filming in room 211 after seeing the footage from a classmate's, I think it will look too different from the park footage and will look boring.

Use of the sundial... I want to make the sundial a main feature of the music video since the song is entitled "I've Been Waiting For You" the sundial will bee appropriate for the reference to time and light in the lyrics.

My main concern is with the performer's ability to perform... I have seen and it is very evident that she is very stiff while performing and not very animated, I want to try and encourage her to move and articulate the lyrics as she sings.

Things I have learnt about that will help me this week, have been learning more about secondary colour correction, this will help a lot as this will be the main tool I will use in post production. Finding out about the eyedropper + and - tools was a help as some of my yellow props are different shades of yellow.

I will post photos of the shoot as soon as I shoot it.

Apart from the performer's ability to perform, I'm Praying the rain will stop...

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